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The Wog Shop!

Another week and another wasteful month, thanks to this glorious lockdown! However, trust me to waste my days mungin' on a good panino!

For all you South-Eastern yuppies, the Northern-Western suburbs is taking the panino world by storm with another paninoteca pop up down the road in Moonee Ponds!

If any of you are from the area, you'll remember that little wog shop that used to be down on Mt Alexander Road, you know the one. The cafeteria, billiard table and you could play Italian cards like a true Soprano!

Well these guys at Furina Alimentari Moonee Ponds bring back those good ol' glory days! Might I add, they are in the midst of renovating for a new outdoor cinema.

Can you imagine? Panino and movie? They will showcase all the great Italian classics, maybe you'll see me on there ;).

So of course, on my lunch break I had to try this place out for myself and I got your traditional:

Cotoletta Panino:

- Baguette

- Cotoletta

- Pesto

- Bocconcini

- Tomato

Guys, this one was an abolsute classic that I could eat all day everyday. Just imagine you are starving for lunch, you bite into that crisp Cotoletta that is smothered in Pinenut Pesto Sauce and freshly chopped Tomatoes. Then imagine having it grilled in a pizza oven for over 5 minutes and have that melted Bocconcini just ooze in your mouth (drool).

This one will definitely leave you filled to the brim! They don't just stop there, you should try their freshly made pizzas straight outta' the oven just like in Napoli. If you're also up for a shop, well these wogs have you covered in their pantry section!

Choosing the best Italian pantry products will be nothing but a breeze with these guys, from prime Olive Oil to cured cold meats, you'll feel like your in Tony Sopranos kitchen!

If you are looking for a munge give them a visit down at 708 Mt Alexander Road, Moonee Ponds.

Head over to their Instagram and give them a follow: @furinaalimentarimooneeponds.

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